
Denne artikel omhandler the graphic novel. Måske leder du efter the comic of the same name.

Skabelon:Book BIONICLE 7: Realm of Fear is the seventh BIONICLE graphic novel, released on November 24, 2009. It is a compilation of comics from 2008 featuring artwork by Leigh Gallagher. It also features an exclusive code to be entered in the Kanoka Club section of to unlock a new sticker.

The book details the battles between the Toa Nuva and the Makuta in Karda Nui to awaken the Great Spirit Mata Nui.

Comics Included[]

  • Comic 12: Realm of Fear
  • Comic 13: Swamp of Shadows
  • Comic 14: Endgame
  • Comic 15: Mata Nui Rising


See also[]

  • Saga Guides/Karda Nui
  • Timeline/Karda Nui

Skabelon:GraphicNovelsNav Skabelon:ClassicNav de:BIONICLE 7: Realm of Fear fr:BIONICLE 7 : Le Royaume de la Peur es:BIONICLE 7: Reino del Miedo