
Status Diminished
Status Rebuilt
Status Alive

Damek is an Onu-Matoran native to Metru Nui.


Metru Nui[]

Damek was a Guard posted at one of the entrances of the Archives.[WTMMPCD] He helped Toa Metru Whenua when the latter was looking for Tehutti in his search for the Great Disks. Damek told the Toa that Tehutti had been in the Archives the previous day, excited about something and that Damek had not seen him leave. Damek allowed Whenua to look around, but was not permitted to give him the combination to unlock the Archives door due to Nidhiki having broken in and vandalized the Archives.[1]

Under the rule of Makuta Teridax posing as Turaga Dume, Damek and his fellow Matoran were each forced into a Matoran Sphere by the Vahki.[2] The Toa Metru brought these spheres to the shores of Mata Nui via Airship and reawakened all of Metru Nui's Matoran, including Damek.[3]

Mata Nui[]

Due to the effects of the Matoran Sphere, Damek became smaller and weaker and lost all memory of Metru Nui. In the early years of the Dark Time, he helped build Onu-Koro, following Turaga Whenua's direction and making use of materials from the Airships used in the Great Rescue.[4]

Damek continued to serve as a guard, this time at the entrance to Onu-Koro.Skabelon:OnlineCitation He and the other Onu-Matoran abandoned Onu-Koro for a brief period of time when the Bohrok attacked it.[BOA, Ep. 3] After the defeat of the Bohrok-Kal, Damek was rebuilt into a form similar to that he had had prior to the Great Cataclysm.[BKOA, Ep. 3] He and his fellow Onu-Matoran were evacuated from Onu-Koro during the Rahkshi attack.[B:MoL]

Return to Metru Nui[]

Damek later took part in the production of boats to return to Metru Nui. There, he and the rest of the Matoran began work rebuilding damaged parts of the city. He temporarily stopped his work of reconstruction on order of Jaller, to force the Turaga to reveal where the Toa Nuva had gone, but he eventually got back to work.[5]

After systems such as light and gravity in the Matoran Universe were damaged, due to the Great Spirit Robot's incapacitation in the Battle of Bara Magna, Damek and other surviving Matoran of Metru Nui relocated to Spherus Magna.[6][7]


Books Multimedia


Online Games


  • Toa Metru Mini Promo CDs
    • Whenua's Toa Metru Mini Promo CD



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