"The great Toa is the same in body, in strength, and in speed. But his mind is gone. He has been attacked by the Makuta and enslaved by evil. His Great Mask of Power has been replaced with an infected mask, and the only way to bring him back is to take it off."
— Turaga Matau, Mata Nui Online Game
Inficeret Kanohi | |
Kanohi | |
Kræfter | {{{kræfter}}} |
Bærere | {{{bruger}}} |
Infected Kanohi are Kanohi that have been tainted and corrupted by Kraata.
The first infected masks on Mata Nui appeared shortly after the arrival of Matoran on the island. During the Great War, Makuta Teridax fitted many Rahi with infected masks and had them guard the Kanohi and harass the Matoran. Matoran or Rahi that succombed to the infection were said to have been claimed by the Madness. Over time, Vakama realized the infected masks were responsible for the suddenly violent behavior of the Rahi, and the six Turaga learned that Shadow Kraata were responsible for spreading the plague.[1][2] Measures were taken to trap as many Kraata as possible in a cave in Po-Wahi. However, the Toa Mata succeeded in liberating most of them. When Teridax first confronted the Toa Mata in his Matoran form, his Kanohi Kraahkan took the form of an infected Kanohi Hau.
Following the arrival of the Toa Mata, the Infected Masks were buried underground by a team of Onu-Matoran until they could be cleansed. The Turaga could not figure out how to cleanse such masks, but the Toa realized that in combining their elemental powers, they could cure an Infected Kanohi.[1]
When the Rahkshi assaulted Mata Nui, Shadow Kraata were responsible for the infection of several Matoran.
An Infected Kanohi appears rusted and pitted. All masks but Legendary Masks are vulnerable to this infection.[3] Although Makuta can infect masks themselves, they prefer to leave it to Kraata.
An infected Kanohi wearer is placed under the control of the Makuta who infected the mask. While infected, the user is still able to access their mask's power. For an Infected Kanohi to be cleansed, it requires the combined Elemental Powers of six Toa.[1]
Example Usage[]
Lewa's Kanohi Miru was taken from him and replaced with an infected version, forcing him to serve Teridax alongside a group of Nui-Rama and a Nui-Kopen.
- Toa Mata Lewa - Formerly; since removed
- Many different types of Rahi - Formerly; since uninfected
- Some Matoran of Mata Nui - Formerly; since uninfected
Set Information[]
The infected Kanohi are notable for being the only BIONICLE masks that were hand-painted, and were only molded in the shape of a Hau. Two of these masks were available in the Muaka & Kane-Ra set, and sometimes (but very rarely) appeared in the randomly selected Kanohi packs of 2001.
- In the Toa Empire Alternate Universe, Teridax wears a Kanohi Hau that appears infected since his Kanohi Kraahkan was taken from him.Skabelon:OnlineCitation
Kanohi | |
Legendariske | Ignika | Vahi | Skabelsens Maske |
Store/Ædle | Hau | Kaukau | Miru | Kakama | Pakari | Akaku | Aki | Rua Huna | Rau | Mahiki | Komau | Ruru | Matatu Calix | Elda | Suletu | Sanok | Kadin | Iden Arthron | Faxon | Zatth | Garai | Volitak | Tryna Jutlin | Avsa | Felnas | Mohtrek | Shelek | Crast | Mutationens Maske | Ådselsædningens Maske Pehkui | Clairvoyancens Maske | Kualsi | Emuleringens Maske | Vækstens Maske | Rahi-Styringens Maske Avohkii | Kraahkan | Lyset og Skyggens Maske Psykometriens Maske | Rode | Olmak | Karismaens Maske Olisi | Kiril | Uhåndgribelighedens Maske | Mulighedernes Maske | Elementenergiens Maske |
Nuva | Hau Nuva | Kaukau Nuva | Miru Nuva | Kakama Nuva | Pakari Nuva | Akaku Nuva | Aki Nuva | Rua Nuva |
Andre | Golden Kanohi | Infected Kanohi | Sejrens Maske | Andre Kanohi |
Skabelon:ClassicNav de:Infizierte Kanohi fr:Kanohi Infectés