"He is extremely ambitious and has more than once ignored his mission objectives in the interests of his own profit. The last time this happened, I had Vezok show him how easily armor can be shattered when you know how."
— The Shadowed One, Dark Hunters
Skabelon:DarkHunter Kraata-Kal is a Brotherhood of Makuta experiment turned Dark Hunter.
Kraata-Kal is the result of an experiment performed by Makuta Teridax, where he exposed a Kraata to the same substance that is used to transform Krana into Krana-Kal. The result was a being of much higher intelligence than the average Kraata, with a wider array of powers. Teridax decided to construct a suit of armor for Kraata-Kal, which included a number of unique weapons.
Kraata-Kal later escaped Teridax's service and was soon recruited by the Dark Hunters. However, Kraata-Kal would routinely ignore mission objectives in pursuit of its own personal profit. As punishment for this habit, the Shadowed One once permitted Vezok to attack him and damage his armor.
Kraata-Kal joined Amphibax and Sentrakh in tracking down the Piraka following their desertion of the organization.[1] After the sinking of Voya Nui, however, the team returned to Odina,Skabelon:CN and later relocated to Xia at the order of the Shadowed One.Skabelon:OnlineCitation
When the Matoran Universe was critically damaged in the Battle of Bara Magna, Kraata-Kal immigrated to Spherus Magna.[2][3]
Abilities and Traits[]
Kraata-Kal has extremely high intelligence, and is very ambitious, but is also known to be very stubborn and rebellious. He has a degree of elemental control over Shadow, Water, and Fire, along with armor larger and more durable than standard Rahkshi armor.[1]
Kraata-Kal's armor is fitted with various blades, teeth, and claws it can use in close-range combat. He also wields both a double-bladed flame sword and a Kanoka Launcher.[1]
- Kraata-Kal was created by Morgan Alfrejd, known as Makuta/nuva/kal on BZPower for the LEGO Magazine Dark Hunter Building Contest, and was given a storyline role and place in the book BIONICLE: Dark Hunters, by Greg Farshtey.
Books |
Guides |
See also[]
External links[]
Skabelon:DarkHuntersNav Skabelon:BrotherhoodofMakutaNav Skabelon:ClassicNav de:Kraata-Kal fr:Kraata-Kal