Skabelon:EraG1 Skabelon:Set Set 8736 Toa Hordika Vakama is a canister set released in early 2005, portraying the Toa Hordika Vakama.
Product Description[]
Set Info[]
The Toa Hordika Vakama set was released as one of six Toa Hordika sets in early 2005, and contains forty-eight pieces.
By combining parts of Toa Hordika Vakama with 8738 Toa Hordika Whenua and 8740 Toa Hordika Matau, one can create the Protocairn; Vakama and Whenua alone can be combined to create the Cable Crawler.
A Rhotuka spinner can be launched from Vakama's back by using a ripcord included with the set.
Vakama's right forearm can be moved up and down by turning a gear near his shoulder.
Vakama wears a dark red mutated Great Kanohi Huna. The set also includes two silver Rhotuka spinners, one of which is marked with a Kanoka Code.
See also[]
- 8540 Vakama
- 8601 Toa Vakama
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