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Other Locations
Other Locations
Alternate Locations

The BIONICLE storyline depicts many Locations of minor significance. These range from locations that were briefly mentioned to locations that bore witness to significant events yet have not been discussed in detail. Note that it is possible some of the locations listed below may be describing the same setting.

This page lists locations in the prime reality of minor significance and/or locations in the prime reality about which little is known. For more notable locations in the prime reality, see Locations; for locations in other realities, see Locations/Alternate Locations.

Matoran Universe[]

All of these lands were rendered uninhabitable by the cataclysmic damage sustained by the Great Spirit Robot during the Battle of Bara Magna.

Airwatcher's Homeland[]

Airwatcher's homeland; here he killed one of the two Dark Hunters assigned to collect him.[1]

Barraki Fortresses[]

The Barraki Fortresses were fortified strongholds constructed and used by the Barraki. Many were constructed while the Barraki were still operating as the League of Six Kingdoms. Another was constructed on the floor of Aqua Magna, where it was destroyed by Mahri Nui landing on it.[2]

Kalmah's Fortress[]

A fortress, from which Kalmah commanded his armies during the reign of the League of Six Kingdoms. It was in the northwestern region of the universe, and was reduced to rubble when the League was defeated. Makuta Mutran was commissioned to send Rahi here, but created them all with limited lifespans. His Blade Burrowers, however, survived with greater longevity and continued to live here after Kalmah's defeat.Skabelon:OnlineCitation

Conjurer's Kingdom[]

A land distant from Odina populated by Matoran. Conjurer gained power over them using advanced technology he described as "magic"[1] upon moving there from the Shadowed One's homeland.[3][4]

Firedracax's Homeland[]

Firedracax and other Matoran lived here until it was attacked by the Visorak. The land featured at least one pool of Energized Protodermis.[1]

Gatherer's Homeland[]

Several Matoran lived here and were once led by Gatherer. Over 7,000 years ago, Gatherer got in the way of a Dark Hunter operation here and was captured and recruited.[1]

Guardian's Island[]

This island was engulfed in war when Guardian was a resident. Guardian's tribe was betrayed by one of their own not long before Guardian's departure.[1]

Ice-Covered Island[]

This island is an icy land, and was one of the first lands overrun by the Visorak under the leadership of Sidorak and Roodaka. Kualus witnessed the conquest.Skabelon:ComicCitation

Island Near Artakha[]

A large island that was once connected to the island of Artakha by a land bridge. Both the island and the land bridge were destroyed by Artakha's inhabitants following the Raid on Artakha.[5]

Island Near Karzahni[]

A small spit of land that is connected to the island of Karzahni by a land bridge. Along the bridge is located the Tunnel of Darkness, a gate that prevents beings of light from entering, and a large mountain range. The Matoran that would become the Toa Inika emerged here from an underwater chute and traveled along it in an attempt to reach Voya Nui.[6][7]

Island Near Metru Nui[]

An island within swimming distance of Metru Nui, ruled by a Turaga. Naho once swam here at the beginning of the Toa-Dark Hunter War and asked for assistance for Metru Nui.[8]

Island Near Stelt[]

An island near Stelt with a Matoran village that was attacked by Vultraz. During the raid, two Matoran were killed and twelve more were injured.Skabelon:OnlineCitation

Island Near Xia[]

This island was destroyed by the Vortixx due to its interference with the routes to Xia. There were no sapient beings living on it, but a number of rare Rahi were wiped out.[5]

Island with a Toa of Plasma[]

A relatively southern island where a Toa of Plasma was captured and interrogated by Zaktan and Avak.[9]

Krahka's Island[]

The island from which the Krahka species originated. The island was once a peaceful and green place, but was ravaged by the Visorak.[10]

Lesovikk's Island[]

Lesovikk's homeland. While Lesovikk was away, the Turaga of this island went insane and sent all the resident Matoran - including Sarda, Idris, Dekar and Defilak - to Karzahni.Skabelon:OnlineCitation

Lurker's Homeland[]

A "primitive" land where murderers are banished from the island. Lurker originated here and subsequently joined the Dark Hunters.[1]

Makuta Fortress[]

A Brotherhood fortress located on an island far to the west which stored a record of Teridax's Plan.[8]Skabelon:OnlineCitation

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The island on which the Makuta Fortress was situated[11]

Matoran Residential Island[]

An island with Matoran residents and a squad of Toa that was attacked by Poison.[1]

Mimic's Homeland[]

The island where Mimic and his species originated. This island was once ravaged by a natural disaster.[1]

Nocturn's Island[]

A small island that was once the home of Nocturn's species. In a fit of rage, Nocturn struck the island's weak spot, shattering it.[12]Skabelon:ComicCitation

Primal's Homeland[]

The land where Primal and his tribe lived, which was occupied by Visorak. Primal led a small band of survivors against them until he was recruited by the Dark Hunters; the survivors were later killed.[1]

The Shadowed One's Homeland[]

A once-peaceful land inhabited by the Shadowed One's species, until Ancient started hiring himself out as a mercenary to the highest bidder. This threw the island into civil war, causing it to be a land dominated by warlords. The Shadowed One described it as "a land of shadows and ice, a place that was never 'blessed' by the loving gaze of Mata Nui."[1]

Southern Islands[]

Botar's Homeland[]

The homeland of Botar and his successor in the Order of Mata Nui in the eastern chain.[13][14]

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The island of Energized Protodermis

Island of Antidermis[]

An island located close to the Southern Continent. It was inhabited by scattered Matoran residents, although these were wiped out by Rahkshi during the Order of Mata Nui-Brotherhood of Makuta War. In a canyon, under a stone slab with a metal trapdoor, is a cavern with a deep Antidermis pool.Skabelon:OnlineCitation

Island of Energized Protodermis[]

The northernmost island of the eastern chain. It was inhabited by numerous Rahi created by Energized Protodermis. The island featured a large cavern with a giant lake of Energized Protodermis.Skabelon:OnlineCitation

Keetongu and Tahtorak's Homeland[]

A landmass in the eastern chain that was the homeland of the Tahtorak. It was also the home of Keetongu's race, who used the Tahtorak as mounts.Skabelon:ComicCitation After the Matoran Civil War, Makuta Miserix assigned Makuta Chirox to watch over the region that included this island.[15] Keetongu's species were wiped out when the island was invaded by Visorak, and Keetongu is the only known member of his species still alive.

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Keetongu and Tahtorak's Homeland

Spinner's Land[]

The land where Spinner and his Toa team fought mutated Rahkshi. It featured a very deep pit.[1] It was a place Spinner and his team were visiting, not their homeland.[16]

Toa Fortress[]

A tower on a barren, windswept rock in Frostelus territory, built near a cliff 3000 Bio above a river.[8]

Tuyet's Homeland[]

The island where Toa Mangai Tuyet originally resided. The Nui Stone ended up at this location before Tuyet brought it to Metru Nui. At least one Turaga governed this land.Skabelon:OnlineCitation

Tyrant's Kingdom[]

A small island south of Odina. Tyrant conquered this island after leaving the Shadowed One's homeland[4] and ruled it until the Toa-Dark Hunter War.[1]

Wooded Island[]

A small, wooded island just off the Southern Continent. It was the original rendezvous site for the arming of Brutaka's team, until Makuta Icarax intercepted the mission and killed Botar.Skabelon:OnlineCitation

Visorak Fortress[]

A fortress where Pouks, Kualus, Gaaki, and Bomonga were transferred after their capture at Destral.Skabelon:ComicCitation[17]

Spherus Magna[]

Fortress Island[]

An island Krakua will one day protect. The entire island has been converted into a single fortress.[18][19]Skabelon:CN


World of Annona's Doom[]

This planet[20] was created as part of a truce between Annona and the Golden-Skinned Being after their conflict reached a stalemate. It is likely located in a different star system than the Solis Magna System.[21] The world was imagined by Sahmad, who devised it so that Annona would be unwittingly sent to her doom. It is populated by Annona and a multitude of beings like herself who feed on the dreams of others and drive them mad. As there are no other dreaming beings to consume, this world's inhabitants are expected to go extinct within a year.Skabelon:OnlineCitation


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