
"Now the Toa of Ice's mask was glowing as well. Suddenly, great stones tore loose from one wall of the prison cell. The rocks flew rapidly across the room to form a wall between Onewa and Whenua. Moreover, they had left a sizable gap in the wall, perfect as an escape route."
— Narrator, Legends of Metru Nui

Skabelon:Power Telekinesis is a Power of the secondary Elemental Power of Psionics that allows the wielder to control and move objects with their mind.

Species Wielders[]

Matoran Universe[]


  • All Toa and Turaga of Psionics possess the power of telekinesis.


  • Mentally picking up and moving objects/beings carefully or tossing them violently. May also be used for restraining purposes.
  • Controlling weapons, transports, and machinery psychically.


All of the following beings have or had the Power of Telekinesis:

  • Conjurer
  • Devastator
  • Makuta in The Melding Alternate Universe
    • Kraata and Rahkshi of Telekinesis in The Melding Alternate Universe
    • Alternate Teridax
  • All Toa of Psionics
  • All Turaga of Psionics

All of the following objects have or had the Power of Telekinesis:

  • The Kanohi Matatu
  • The Mask of Rebounding
  • Hydraxon's Back Blades - can be telekinetically launched and controlled

See also[]

Skabelon:PowersNav Skabelon:ClassicNav de:Telekinese fr:Télékinésie