Skabelon:EraG1 Skabelon:FCFQ
"A Toa of Air can create a quick vacuum around an enemy, and with no air, the sound of his shouts can't travel."
— Toa Nuva Gali, Toa Nuva Blog
Skabelon:Power Vacuum is a power that allows its wielder to form vacuums or cause suction by absorbing air then releasing it all in a single blast.[1][2] Because most beings with the Elemental Power of Air can create and control vacuums, it is considered to be an application of that Element.[3]
Species Wielders[]
Matoran Universe[]
- Toa of Air possess the Elemental Power of Air, allowing them to create and control vacuums.[4]Skabelon:OnlineCitation Their only real limitation is that when they run out of Elemental Air Energy, they must wait for it to recharge. Turaga of Air do not have enough elemental energy to create a vacuum.[5]
- Lehvak-Kal - Vacuum Shields
- Absorbing air to create and control vacuums
- Creating suction force
- Defending against an Air attackSkabelon:OnlineCitation
- Releasing absorbed air at a target in a single blast
- Indirectly create an Air attack[6][7]
All of the following have or had the Power of Vacuum:
- Lehvak-Kal
- Bohrok-Kal Kaita Ja - A Kaita of Lehvak-Kal, Gahlok-Kal, and Kohrak-Kal. (formerly; now unmerged)
- All Makuta
- After being mutated by the Pit Mutagen, Krika, Gorast, and Bitil lost their Vacuum power.[8]
- All Kraata and Rahkshi of Vacuum
- Takutanuva (formerly; now unmerged)
- Krahka - While using the form of Toa Metru Matau.
- All Toa of Air
- Iruini - Lost upon his mutation into a Rahaga, but regained when the mutation was reversed
- Kongu - His powers as a Toa Inika were combined with Lightning
- Lesovikk
- Lewa - Enhanced when he became a Toa Nuva
- Matau (formerly; now transformed into a Turaga)
- Nidhiki (Formerly; lost when he was mutated)
- Spinner (Formerly; lost when he was altered by the Dark Hunters)
See also[]
- Air
- Kraata Powers § Vacuum
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