OK, we have nearly no info on this, it has not appeared in the Story yet. What we know about it:

  • An Agori named Sahmad used on.

What we don't know about it:

  • Is Baranus the name of a sort of vehicle and V7 the version, as with the rest of the '09 vehicles?
  • Are there more than one?
  • If so, how many are there? Are they used by all tribes, or only by Sahmad's tribe?
  • If not, then have there ever been more?
  • What is it used for? (I strongly doubt it's used in the arena, at least if Sahmad's the only on who uses it, as the few survivors of Sahmad's tribe is feared by the other Agori)

Shouldn't we wait for it to at least appear in the Story before we create this article? Mata Nui (BP Bureaucrat) 15:05, 17 June 2009 (UTC)

Well, I think the vehicles were released with the Glatorian legends and they are already available I think. So Its available, why not make it? (My reasons in support of this page's creation). BTW, Anyne think the name 'Sahmad' sounds a bit Indian? (Don't mean to insult anyone when I say that!)
BobTheDoctor27 We saved the O-Zone Layer, now let's save Bionicle Reviews Wiki!!!!


The Glatorian Legends are only available in a few parts of the world, and I've not heard anything about the vehicles. Mata Nui (BP Bureaucrat) 07:37, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

Really? That's wierd, they're usually released together I think.
BobTheDoctor27 We saved the O-Zone Layer, now let's save Bionicle Reviews Wiki!!!!