So we all remember how, in the last few years of its original run, BIONICLE got into the concept of alternate universes and us encountering alternate versions of the characters we all know, love and/or loathe from the main story. A while back, I looked through the various annals of BIONICLE characters, creatures, and robots and identified a bunch-named, obviously-who never had a counterpart appear or be mentioned in one of these parallel universes. I compiled a list, and thought I'd share it here.
- Ackar
- Aft
- Agni
- "Airwatcher"
- Aiyetoro
- Akamu
- Ally
- Amaya
- Amphibax
- "Ancient"
- Annona
- Antroz
- Aodhan
- Arktinen
- Atakus
- Azibo
- Berix
- Bitil
- Boreas
- Botar
- Bour
- Brander
- Carapar
- Certavus
- "Charger"
- Chiara
- "Conjurer"
- Crotesius
- Damek
- Dekar
- "Devastator"
- Dezalk
- Dosne
- Ehlek
- Ehrye
- "Eliminator"
- Epena
- Firedracax
- Fohrok
- Gadjati
- Gar
- Garan
- "Gatherer"
- Gavla
- Gelu
- "Gladiator"
- Golyo
- Hafu
- Hahli
- "Hordika Dragons"
- Hydraxon
- Idris
- Ihu
- Iruini
- Jaa
- Jaatikko
- Jerbraz
- Johmak
- Jovan
- Kabrua
- Kai
- Kailani
- Kaj
- Kalama
- Kalmah
- Kamen
- Kantai
- Karzahni plant
- Kazi
- Keahi
- Kirbold
- Kirbraz
- Kirop
- Kivi
- Kokkan
- Kotu
- "Kraata-Kal"
- Krekka
- Kumo
- Kylma
- Kyrehx
- Kyry
- Lariska
- Lein
- Lumi
- Maglya
- Makani
- Makuta of Stelt
- Malum
- Mamru
- Mantax
- Marka
- Matau
- Mavrah
- Maxilos Robots
- Mazeka
- Metus
- Midak
- "Mimic"
- "Minion"
- Mutran
- Nikila
- Nireta
- Nivawk
- Nixie
- Nocturn
- Nokama
- Norik
- Okoth
- Onepu
- Onewa
- Orde
- Orkahm
- Pakastaa
- Pekka
- Perditus
- Phantom
- Photok
- Piatra
- Piruk
- Podu
- "Poison"
- Pridak
- "Prototype"
- Raanu
- Radiak
- Rahi Nui
- "Ravager"
- "The Recorder"
- Reysa
- Sahmad
- Sanso
- Sarda
- "Savage"
- Scodonius
- "Seeker"
- Sentrakh
- "Shadow Stealer"
- Shasa
- Shu
- Sidorak
- "Silence"
- Solek
- "Spinner"
- Spiriah
- Strakk
- Stronius
- "Subterranean"
- Surel
- Taiki
- Taipu
- Takadox
- Talvi
- Tamaru
- Tarix
- Tehutti
- Telluris
- Tiribomba
- Toa Canister Builder
- Tobduk
- Toudo
- "Tracker"
- Tren Krom
- Tridax
- Triglax
- Tuuli
- Umbra
- Vakama
- "Vanisher"
- Varian
- Vastus
- "Vengeance"
- Vezon
- Vhisola
- Vican
- Vira
- Vohon
- Voporak
- Vultraz
- Whenua
- Zaria
- Zemya
- Zivon