
... I just want to disappear.

It has gone way out of control.

What's happening? How could it happen?

People yell at each other, accuse each other for things, but nothing of that all makes any sense to me. Tesarasleader said he's going to leave, he was blocked by Bara Magna, and LewaMataToaOfMischief is going to become semi-active.

Seriously people, have we all gone mad? Or is it just me?

'Cause this is not the place it was a short time ago, when the only worries were to revert vandalism, block vandals, edit now and then, and patrol the recent changes.

If that was trying to stay neutral while a war was being fought outside, then this is trying to be part of the government during a civil war.

I've said this before, and I'll say it again. If you feel angry, upset, offended, or simply not in a good mood, then take a break. Don't stay and respond to every comment. Instead, come back when you feel better, and answer then.

Now, it may be easy for me to say this, since no one attacked me. But please, everyone, sty to stay cool, even when it seems like the whole world has turned against you. For that is then only way you can win. Knowing that you are better than the one you're fighting. Deciding that whatever he may say, it will not get to you. Because you're better than that. Because you are the one being attacked, and thus you will always be right, as long as you do not get as low as the one who is attacking you.
